Home Television Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a law on advertisement broadcasting

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a law on advertisement broadcasting

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On 14 May, 2015 the Government of Ukraine adopted a law “On amendments to the laws of Ukraine (concerning the specialty of advertisements’ broadcasting (and rebroadcasting) during programs, broadcasted by foreign TV and radio organizations). 233 deputies voted for its adoption.
By this law Verkhovna Rada legalized the list of adapted TV channels compiled by National Broadcasting Council. In addition, broadcasting and rebroadcasting of advertisements are prohibited in Ukraine during programmes, broadcasted by foreign TV and radio organizations of the countries, that have not ratified European Convention on Transfrontier Television or are within EU jurisdiction.
Meanwhile in case of broadcasting (and rebroadcasting) of advertisement during the transmission on the territory of Ukraine of foreign broadcasters from countries, that are liable to this law, a fee for the content must be charged by a legal entity.
Thus, in accordance with amendments adopted by the Government of Ukraine,  an economic entity rebroadcasts the content within jurisdiction of Ukraine. It is supposed that producer granted a permission for broadcasting and it is approved by National Broadcasting Council of Ukraine.
In addition, TV providers are prohibited to broadcast advertisements in foreign channels programmes.
The adopted law will enter into force two months after its promulgation.

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