20-21 October in KievExpoPlaza EEBC exhibition was held inspite of skeptics and colleagues being tired of numerous events. Unexpectedly the exhibition was visited by more than half of a thousand people!
A little bit about EEBC exhibition – the exhibition was supplemented by “BEZPEKA” trade fair for security industry which was also very interesting for telecom market: EEBC stands were placed at more large-scale exhibition. The number of exhibitors decreased significantly compared to previous years, because of numerous activities being hold this autumn and the crisis tendencies of recent years. Few permanent partners of EEBC decided to take part in the other events. But the new team of EEBC – Euroindex company – took advantage of the situation, shifting accents, and allocated in a separate zone the new event place, where guests and partners had the opportunity to negotiate or relax and eat a snack. Although, the main task “to meet and satisfy a large number of guests” – was completed successfully!
Here you can see the participants and the photo report.
The main tasks for UATF Festival were to change the format, to bring a new look and to surprise all the guests. It seems that all worked!
The official lounge-zone sponsor was “112 UA” TV channel. They helped to provide WiFi for guests. In addition, everyone could use “the power of thought” to move into the world of news by examining the interactive layout of the channel newsroom and by a live broadcasting.
In lounge-zone traditional booths gave way to small comfortable open meeting areas. TV channels «112 UA», «SONCE», «Discovery Networks» group, «History» and «Eutelsat» company were present there.
On 20th October the program was mostly filled by UATF and EEBC partners – telecom associations.
Ukrainian Association of Cable Television Operators and Teleinformational Networks, Association of Rights Holders and Content Providers, Cable Television Union of Ukraine, Telecommunication Chamber of Ukraine, Union of Odessa and Odessa region Operators, Ukrteleset, Internet Association of Ukraine held Congress of Pay-TV Industry of Ukraine. The Congress was attended by more than 150 visitors that were certainly pleased because all the most important issues were discussed there. Ministry of informational policy introduce new TV channel UA TV. Also everyone could get acquainted with the latest innovation from Discovery channels group and had a possibility to ask questions. By the way, it was Discovery who became the sponsor of the Congress!
Association of wireless data networks market participants Wireless Ukraine held its conference “Peculiarities of infocommunications market of Ukraine” where reports from leading IT-companies of Ukraine and all over the world were presented. Moreover, nearby Association booth everyone could see and personally feel the trend of the nearest future in everyday terms – the electro car!
The lunch became unexpected but pleasant surprise of a busy day – a lovely, tasty and light food from mobile restaurants “Burger Brothers Quality”. We hope the guests of the Festival appreciated the concern of the organizers; and such an approach will become traditional in future.
UATF team inspired by “Cableman” event with irresistible desire to share continued 20th October sections with master-classes for broadcasters. Special thanks to Katerina Dmitriyeva, MK Media Group, and Aleksander Dovhan, «1+1 Media» – more about their reports can be found in exclusive publications. It is worth noting that after lunch the number of visitors decreased significantly but despite that the section was very interesting and productive (it’s a pity for those who didn’t come…)!
In the end of the day our guests and partners had the opportunity to attend an unusual party! EEBC exhibition and History channel welcomed the guests in an updated complex NivkiHall in a cozy atmosphere UATF Festival. Why was it “unusual”? – the guests didn’t see traditional buffet, but everyone had “UATF-dollars in the envelopes”. We decided to give our guests the most precious right of choice, and everyone with inspiration and a huge pleasure spent donated money!
21 October was not worse.
The program was opened with a section “Quality product and service in Ukraine to BE!” moderated by the head of Media Resources Management analytical department and editor-in-chief of Content Report and Media Business Report analytical publications Artem Vakalyuk. Artem also told about the current situation on the global pay-TV market. Sergey Boiko, VOLIA, and Ivan Shestakov, MEGOGO – spoke on urgent situation and presented plans for future.
Then the general section for the industry was held. Orest Biloskurskiy StarLightMedia marketing director, identified the development of technologies coverage in 2002-2015, the advent of new technologies, the needs of the audience and ways to control distribution of channels in the masses. Also we talked about the main problem of the industry – piracy! Dmytro Gadomsky, «Juscutum», helped everyone to pay attention to the legislation nuances. Iryna Sakhno, «Mediasat», showed global statistics on piracy, in addition she drew attention to one important aspect – the more prohibitions, the more piracy (by the example of downloading erotic and porn content).
Final part of Ukrainian autumn Tele-Com Festival (UATF) was displaying of documentaries from “112 UA” channel. The French channel on hunting and fishing «Chasse et Peche» presented novelties of the next season. And as a dessert Polina Tolmacheva, Film.UA, presented new Ukrainian TV channel FILMUADRAMA.
We’re confident to say that the main purposes of the Festival were successfully fulfilled – the results of the year were summed up, market trends discussed, the vectors of industry development in the new season specified!
All who could not attend this year, don’t be sad, you can read exclusive publications. Independent opinion can be found here http://mediananny.com/reportazhi/2312958/
And, of course, waiting for EVERYONE in 2016! Will try to fix errors and surprise you!