The popularity of interactive Internet TV in Ukraine, provided by applying IPTV and OTT technologies, goes on growing fast. Over the past year the percentage of viewers increased from 0.7% to 3.9% of the total TV audience.
According to the portal “Mediananny”, referring to the social research of the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS), it is observed an onrush of interactive Internet TV in Ukraine, supporting IPTV and OTT protocols. Over the past few years the number of users of the relevant services has increased from 0.7% to 3.9% of the total TV audience.
The edition’s release points out that the leading position in terms of number of viewers belongs to IPTV and OTT Kyiv (8%), there is also great interest in high technology in the southern regions of Ukraine (up to 10%). The statistics evidences that near 42.5% of TV viewers (6.4 million households) prefer traditional broadcasting modes (digital or analog TV), some 37.8% (5.7 million households) opt for the cable TV, and 29, 3% (4.4 million households) make choice of the satellite one.
Curiously, the satellite TV is the most popular in the western part of Ukraine, and the terrestrial TV dominates the central and eastern regions, and the cable TV leads in the national capital. The recent statistics was collected in the course of the scheduled research of TV audience conducted by KIIS in late 2015 and early 2016. It was the very period of a new wave of TV-equipment upgrade.
During the survey, their opinion was voiced by almost 9100 respondents throughout Ukraine.