The State-Owned International Broadcasting TV channel UA TV will move from the satellite Amos-2 (4°W) to the Hot Bird (13°E) in February 2017. The channel will also go on broadcasting via the Azerspace-1 satellite (46°E, Central Asia) and Galaxy 19 (97°W, North America).
UA TV reasoned its decision that the space vehicle Eutelsat Hot Bird would provide required coverage in Europe, since the TV channel run in October 2015, was actively expanding its presence in European countries.
“Today, UA TV is available in the cable networks of Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Estonia, Israel, Canada, Germany, Latvia, Moldova, Poland, USA. Tomorrow, we will be added to the networks of 22 Polish cable providers. The Polish provider TOYA already rebroadcasts us in HD!”, as commented on by Nikolay Shkaraban, Head of Network Development.
“For the time being, UA TV broadcasts in Ukrainian and Russian languages, there is an hour of airtime in Arabic, a series of broadcasts in English. 100% of broadcasting time is subtitled in English. Next week, we are about to run a broadcasting hour in Crimean Tatar”, as told to the Mediasat by Lyudmyla Berezovska, Director General at State Enterprise “International Broadcasting Multimedia Platform of Ukraine”.
Let us recall that UA TV started operating in October 2015 on the basis of the TV channels “UTR” and “BTB” as well as the agency “Ukrinform”.