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National Council Can Not Define the Exact Analog TV Cut-off Date in Ukraine

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The regulatory authority can not give the definite date of Ukraine’s transiting to the digital broadcasting, as the Mediananny informs.

As it turned out, the National Broadcasting Council is unable to announce the final analog TV cut-off date. Today, the TV group “1+1 Media” has great doubts about the capability of transiting to the digital broadcasting in the summer of 2017, about what it already notified and is about to submit its appeal to the Prime Minister.

The Chairman of the National Council Iurii Artemenko states that the final word on transiting to the “digital” rests with the regulatory authority or the Cabinet of Ministers, and at the same time, he does not want that the process of switching to the digital broadcasting would be delayed due to any political interference.

In the meanwhile, they are scheduling a phased analog TV cut-off, which was to be completed as early as this October.

All this was told at the press conference held last week under the aegis of the Council of Europe.

It is known that Russia, Ukraine and Africa do not keep up with technology and they are lagging behind in technological development. India and Turkey do not sparkle with progress as well. However, Ukraine was not mistaken in taking the broadcasting standard DVB-T2, characterized by its reliability and up-to-dateness.

According to the Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies (UCRF), it is possible to start building the fifth digital multiplex even now, and it does not require a mandatory analog TV cut-off. However, the politicians should first think again, whether it is worth making the BRT Concern a T2 operator, and whether there is some use in attracting credit funds to this procedure.

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