The regulator banned the children’s entertainment channel “Multimania TV” and issued it authorization to rebroadcast three channels in Ukraine like Sea TV, Fight Channel World HD and Tele 5.
At its meeting held on April 20, the National Broadcasting Council decided to remove the TV channel “Multimania TV” from the List of Foreign Broadcasts, the content of which meets the requirements of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television and the laws of Ukraine.
The reason for this was the Russian advertising in the channel’s broadcasting time, which is prohibited by the Ukraine’s legislation.
At the same time, during its monitoring, the regulatory authority found out that the “European” license of “Multimania TV”, owned by the Latvian company “VOXELL BALTIC”, was revoked by the National Electronic Media Council of the Republic of Latvia.
Consequently, it turned out that the TV channel possessed only Russia’s authorization documents, in particular, a certificate of registration and a Roskomnadzor ‘s license.
In view of the above facts, the National Broadcasting Council decided to remove the channel from the “adapted list”.
Along with it, the list of adapted channels was completed with the channels Sea TV, Fight Channel World HD and Tele 5.
Sea TV is a Latvian entertainment TV channel, which broadcasts mainly marine shows. The broadcasting language is English and Russian, and its broadcasting time is 24 hours a day.
Fight Channel World HD is a sports TV channel, which has a license for TV broadcasting of the Republic of Croatia. The broadcasting language is English, and its broadcasting time is 24 hours a day.
Tele 5 is an Italian entertainment TV channel with film showing. The broadcasting language is Polish, and its broadcasting time is 24 hours a day. The TV schedule contains erotic and sexual films, but they are broadcasted in due time.
Thus, the actual list of programs, permitted to rebroadcast in Ukraine, incorporates 161 TV channels.