Ukrainian users will not receive products of Apple, Meizu, Panasonic, Philips, Samsung, Openbox, JVC, Xiaomi, MTV Music Television and another 1140 international brands bought abroad.
According to ITC, the Ukrainian Customs suspended passing parcels with goods purchased in foreign online shops. This is because of the list of intellectual property items, integrated into the customs register, as the blog Opendatabot explains.
“If nothing changes, Ukrainian shops will raise prices, and purchases abroad will become risky. The businesses will either have to go into hiding, or reduce their stocks, while suffering losses”, as the news features.
At the same time, it is expected a black market growth, and, accordingly, soaring corruption.
The complete list of trademarks put into the customs register is available in the blog Opendatabot. Once detected in your parcel, these goods may not be let pass.