Home Telecommunication 1 May 2019, Ukraine Launches Mobile Number Portability Service

1 May 2019, Ukraine Launches Mobile Number Portability Service

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NCCIR set the start date of launching subscriber number portability services within mobile telecom networks.

At its meeting held on October 16, the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization defined the start date of launching subscriber number transfer services within mobile telecom networks, including the establishment of local databases of telecom operators providing mobile services and integrating them to the central database.

The start of launching mobile number portability (hereinafter MNP) within mobile networks was scheduled for 1 May 2019.

The acronym MNP or “mobile number portability” stands for the ability to save a mobile phone number along with its prefix when changing a mobile operator.

The above date was agreed with the mobile operators, that is to say, the decision passed through without objections public hearings and approval procedures from the involved government authorities.

The adoption of this decision was anteceded by a continuous work of the NCCIR, the UCRF and other government authorities, aimed at launching MNP services.

This decision puts the top-management of mobile operators and their parent companies on notice that the government’s intention to launch MNP is irreversible.

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