February 4, the satellite signal of the public television channel UA: KULTURA will be encrypted. This was reported to the Mediasat by the broadcaster’s press office.
To encrypt its satellite broadcasts UA: KULTURA will use the BISS conditional access system.
UA: KULTURA is a national TV channel about culture in all of its aspects and forms, which broadcasts 24/7. The channel broadcasts culture news, documentaries, classical music concerts and theatrical performances, as well as shows, which are focused on various areas of cultural and social life like music, painting, theater, literature, and cinema.
Actual satellite broadcasting parameters of UA: KULTURA are as follows:
Satellite: Amos-3 (4°W)
Frequency: 11140 MHz, polarization: horizontal, symbol rate: 30000 Mbps, FEC: 3/4, DVB-S/QPSK, BISS encryption (as of February 4, 2019).
Let us recall that earlier Mediasat featured the plans of the StarLightMedia Group to encrypt the satellite signal of its TV channels by the end of the present year.