Video Trends for 2019 conference took place in Tel Aviv, 13 December. Here are some notes from the speakers about technologies and prognosis of video advertising.
Assaf Sagy, Commercial Lead, Israel Snap: “The audience of Snapchat are millenials, they are interested in fitness, games, e-commerce… Our users are the target audience for a modern, digital products, but not for something very expensive. 40 % of them use AR and VR, 50 % do it at least once a week. AR and VR will take an important place in future of video advertising”.
Moran Chamsi, Co-Founder, Hearmeout, told about future of audio platforms and audio advertising. “Audio platforms getting more popular and multi-task, radio is not enough for advertising, ads are to be integrated in the platforms”.
Amir Biktimirov, Head of Global Development, Yandex Music, told about Yandex services (Music, Navigation, etc.) and integrated ads. His prognosis is the enormous developing of technologies of video ads creations and ways of listening.
Hila Shitrit Nissim, VP Communications, Promo by Slidely, presented the survey of Facebook video ads views. “An engagement in the ad which includes video is 5 times more than in the ad without it. People are not annoyed with video ad which really targets them. Facebook is the strongest platform for small businesses advertsing, especially on holidays. The future is in interacting services, AR and VR”.