So step by step, we go to the most striking presentations of Antigravity 5.0. Today we will talk about the team of parliamentarians Telecom DreamLand. In fairness, it is worth noting that it was this team that received the greatest amount of applause, but did not win. Ask Why? Because the procedure for choosing the best of the best depended not on audience applause, but on lollipops, but this story we will leave for later. 🙂
So, the parliamentary team of Telecom DreamLand was organized by Alexander Savchuk (Atracom), Lyudmila Kolesnikova (Data-IX UA), Oksana Demchenko (Datagroup) and Polina Kokhan (VEGA).
You remember that the first warm-up task was the presentation of the slogan (motto) of the team with a maximum limit of five words. The motto of the Telecom DreamLand Parliament (according to the team) reflected all the difficulties of the legislative branch and sounded like: “Everything for everyone and for no one.” Here, too, verbal limit, but the “lawmakers” apparently crossed out auxiliary words from the quota.
The second task – the Dreamland Parliament was to vote and present at least 5 key laws that would positively affect the development of the country’s digital society.
So, the guys voted the Law “On Teleportation” first. Don’t think that I’m not sealed up, just the Dreamland Parliament considered it a logical continuation of the Law “On Telecommunications”, and most importantly – this is a new word that opens up new possibilities and does not cause us all a nervous tick.
Further down the list is RFR. Due to the fact that everyone says that high-quality Internet is still not accessible to small towns and villages, the Telecom DreamLand parliamentarians decided to publish the Law “On the Expansion of the Radio Frequency Spectrum”, the same Law provides for the radio frequency range below 1 GHz and distribution to all those in need.
The next on the list was our beloved Law “On Access to Infrastructure” the team proposes to simplify it to just one phrase: “Come into the house everyone, and pull the cable as you want and the way you can.”
The fourth was such a sign of respect and desire for the European Union, namely, the Law “On the deregulation of the national regulator and the introduction of the euroregulator.”
Fifth on the list is the Law “On DarkNet Cybersecurity”. The reason for such a paradoxical idea: why not, no one has ever had such a lawJ
It turns out that there was another – the sixth – bill that didn`t receive the support of the majority – this is the Law “On the removal of administrative and criminal liability for cutting copper cables for up to 6 months” in order that in half a year people finally will gut all the copper in the country and we will forget this question. The ending from the Telecom DreamLand Parliament sounded like this: “Where is the deputy canteen?”
Summarizing the performance of these guys, I recall the phrase that I heard from one of the team members before the game: “Oh, we need to joke, be creative in #Antigravity, but we are so boring serious …”. In general, as always, our telecom family loves to be modest. But, in any case, I want to express my gratitude to the team for the cool game, because most often the pain is hidden behind sarcasm, in this case – pain for our industry.