Home Telecommunication Russian scientists suggest rocking space communications

Russian scientists suggest rocking space communications

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The staff of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences (BINP) presented a project providing for the power supply of spacecraft (SC) by lasers. Due to their high power they will be located on ground. As reported byRIA Novosti”.

For the time being, the INP has three free-electron lasers, which feed infrared radiation ranging in different wavelength. The scientists have been using them for some years to conduct researches in many segments of the industry. This year, they started testing a new free-electron laser with a one-of-a-kind performance.

As told by Nikolay Vinokurov, Chief of the Research Laboratory at BINP, there appear more and more transmitting satellites, but they do have a power supply limit anyway. Solar panels generate about 10 kW. But if you feed a SC from the ground, it will have some 100 kW of power available.

According to the scientist, the design of several powerful free-electron lasers feeding satellites will promote the development of the space communications industry as a whole. This is to become an alternative energy for SC through the solar panels.

As Nikolai Vinokurov points out, the project implementation requires constructing larger mirrors to direct energy, as well as a system of installations to monitor vehicles in orbit. According to his calculations, the amount of investment will total near USD 1 billion. The scientist also states that the project is interesting both for Russian and foreign companies, but no one dares to become its investor.

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