Home Television National Broadcasting Council Permits Cable Providers to Rebroadcast TV Channels “Gametoon Box”...

National Broadcasting Council Permits Cable Providers to Rebroadcast TV Channels “Gametoon Box” and “Vivid Touch”

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February 23, the National Television and Radio Broadcasting Council of Ukraine made alterations to the List of Foreign Broadcasts, the content of which meets the requirements of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television and the laws of Ukraine, by adding to it two TV channels like “Gametoon Box” and “Vivid Touch”.

The TV channel “Gametoon Box” (logo “Gametoon”) is licensed by the British regulator Ofcom. The genre is the e-entertainment world. The language is English. The broadcasting time is 24 hours a day. The airtime is free of advertising, pornographic shows or films, which are prohibited to show in Ukraine.

The “Vivid Touch” is an erotic TV channel. Its rebroadcasts are permitted from 00:00 to 04:00, in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Public Moral”. The broadcasting license was granted by the Dutch regulator Сommissariaat Voor de Media. The broadcasting language is English. During the broadcasts there appear age marks for video content classification, as well as icons of content features, according to the Kijkwizer classification system.

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