Home Television November 1, New Music Channel MEGOGO LIVE Starts in Ukraine

November 1, New Music Channel MEGOGO LIVE Starts in Ukraine

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November 1, IT-Media Company MEGOGO launches its own music channel MEGOGO LIVE. The channel will be produced by Zhenya Galich, a famous Ukrainian musician, showman and the frontman of O.Torvald. This was reported to Mediasat by MEGOGO’s press office.

MEGOGO LIVE will be free of charge. The company plans to distribute channels’ content not only on the MEGOGO platform, but also on YouTube and other social networks. Over time, it will be added to the cable networks of telecom operators.

“We do it for the first time and I don’t think we are going any more to be exclusive in placing our content only on the MEGOGO platform,” as stated by Ivan Shestakov, Head of Marketing and Strategy.

On MEGOGO LIVE, the TV audience will get nonstop broadcasts of unique video content from the world of alternative music, art, parties and multi-format youth pastimes.

The first pool of MEGOGO LIVE content is modern alternative Ukrainian music and TV shows of own production.

It was a popular Ukrainian musician and artist Zhenya Galich who was invited to deal with creative and content activities of the channel. Previously, the showman was already involved with TV projects, when he was the host and author of some entertainment shows. His involvement with media project MEGOGO LIVE is a new challenge for him.

“The Ukrainian market rolls in numerous works of musicians, directors, painters, designers and other artists, but TV channels still turns a blind eye to the new culture, opting for broadcasting formats that are more popular among general public. Therefore, MEGOGO LIVE is definitely not about pops and market trends. Everything from regional hip-hop to all-night raves, from obsessive hipsters to heavy metalheads and without bullshit”, as Zhenya Galich features the new channel’s content policy.

The project mission is to become a powerful platform for the development of modern youth culture, to introduce fresh faces, new heroes, personalities, opinion leaders to the vast audience, and just present it what people usually pass over.

“Our channel aims at finding new names, meeting new personalities, shaping intelligible opinion leaders, setting tastes and leisure of the audience. We want to offer an alternative to our viewer. Videos of artists who get no airtime on the music channels and radio stations operating on the market, live concerts and electronica parties, news from film industry, fun shows, cooperation with the most interesting Ukrainian projects. Everything that the audience had to surf and research online, we will accumulate on a single platform”, as the producer of MEGOGO LIVE discloses the channel’s concept.

The core message of MEGOGO new media project is “Grown-up, but not adult”. This phrase can describe many generations of people who are not eager to say farewell to youth and are not in a hurry to mature. The platform is about them and for them 24/7.

Today, the channel is getting prepared to run in Ukraine, but in the future it will be localized in other countries.

“We start with Ukraine. Further on, we gradually move to other regions, since each country’s audience first and foremost demands local content”, as Ivan Shestakov emphasizes.

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