Home Telecommunication IMHO VI Estimates Fraud in Online Cinemas

IMHO VI Estimates Fraud in Online Cinemas

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The fraudulent traffic was estimated in the most famous video services like TvZavr, Ivi, online cinemas of TV channels “Russia 1” and “Channel One”, as the “Kommersant” informs.

In addition, the fraudulent activities were monitored in video services Tvigle and Zoomby. It was also inspected the “REN TV”’s broadcasts, since the video services requested their broadcasts’ quality and arranged an appropriate audit.

As a result, the botnet, showing “trash traffic”, amounted to 0.12%. It would be some few, if it was not about live broadcasts. Here, the forced advertising represented the highest percentage of viewing.

In recent years, the video advertising has flooded the online market, and there is probably no getting away from it.

“In peak season, we can see up to 2.6% of bots, and about 0.3% in off-peak periods”, as stated by Irina Skripnikova, Video Advertising Director at “Yandex”.

The company Weborama stated after its research that the percentage of video advertising reached 30%, which is not surprising these days, as the advertising “bots” are visible without any audit, as it is just enough to look at views and clicks of certain publications.

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