Home Telecommunication Ukraine Soon Starts Large-Scale 5G Testing

Ukraine Soon Starts Large-Scale 5G Testing

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The soonest start of testing new-generation networks was announced by the company Lifecell, as Liga.Biznes informs.

Lifecell has already signed an agreement for suppling required equipment at once with two companies like Huawei and Erisccon. The companies’ representatives reported it during a joint press conference, assuring the import of any number of required equipment to Ukraine.

The forthcoming network tests were announced by the company AT&T, located in the United States, and the test model will be copied from the US one.

The companies set a goal to refine the technology, as well as to define the business model for the new networks’ operation. One of the key benefits of future networks is an option of remote surgery due to lacking data transmission delays.

Alexander Zhyvotovsky, Chairman of the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Information (NCCIR), stated that the new technology would start operating in Ukraine not later than the global 5G launch expected in 2019-2020.

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