Home Television Russians trust television above all

Russians trust television above all

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As a result of the survey conducted by Obschestvennoe Mnenie (Public Opinion) Fund (FOM) on April 19 this year, 88% of Russians get informed by television, while 63% of respondents trust this media more than others.
The second place of getting information was given by Russians to Internet portals and sites – 33%, the third place is reserved by the printed editions, as it is preferred by 20% of Russians. Internet media is trusted by 15% of respondents, and the printed media by 9%.
57% of the Russian Federation’s people are confident that the information they get from mass media is fair, 29% believe the opposite, and the remaining 14% of respondents couldn’t answer that question. In the same survey conducted last year, 60% of citizens were confident the media were fair, 23% – biased, and 17% of respondents were undecided.
According to the Russians, they consider television to deliver the most unbiased information (70%). But the most interesting is that in the question of biased coverage of events, after a difficult-to-answer option (66%), the second place was also occupied by television (20%).
70% of Russians trust more the state mass media, rather than the non-state ones (11%), while 19% of respondents couldn’t answer that question. 62% of respondents answered that question last year as they trusted the state media, while 16% trusted the non-state ones.
The opinion of Russians about concrete channels and their information presenting is represented to a greater o lesser extent in the table below.


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