The channels of the Ukrainian media groups are planning to encode satellite signal in 2018.
During the StandUp show “Non-Startups Battle or Who Pays Whom”, held at the TIM conference: Telecom, IT, Media, Fedor Grechaninov, Director of Strategic Development at StarLightMedia, said that the media groups would intend to encode satellite channels in January-February 2018 .
The initial stage of transiting to a paid broadcasting model in Ukraine was the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of the draft law on the “must-carry exit”, i.e. the exclusion of media groups’ channels from the must-carry list.
The next stage is to cut off television broadcasting in analog format, and then to encode channels, which are actually engaged in satellite broadcasting in the clear.
The TV market players have long agreed that only under such conditions it would be possible to build paid platforms in Ukraine. These issues were discussed at the conference PayTV in Ukraine within the KIEV MEDIA WEEK, as well as during the panel discussion arranged by the Mediasat within the TIM 2015.