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Tram #5 is sent to the Anti-gravity route, the end station is “Self-regulation”

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The Telecommunications Chamber of Ukraine continues to share smart thoughts from the foresight players “#Antigravity_3: a jump into the future”. Well, as you may have guessed, today the story` will be devoted to one of the most difficult and controversial topics. Why ambiguous? Because the question “Do industries need regulation and, if so, to what extent?” can be discussed endlessly and everyone has an opinion on this matter.

But the team “Tram #5” was able to combine five different opinions into one, while not forgetting to use optimism, imagination and creative approach. First of all, I would like to introduce you creative players of the team: Victoria Troshchenko (UCRF), Alexander Fediyenko (InAU), Valeria Dyachenko (Juscutum), Konstantin Novitsky (Cosmonova) and Alexander Savchuk (Atracom) – the team leader.

The presentation of the team’s results began (as for me) with the key phrase: “Thinking about the future regulatory field now is a thankless task, because then we will have to create it or bring about changes by ourselves.” But, on the other hand, water does not flow under a still stone, and it is quite possible that Tram No. 5 will become a locomotive of regulatory changes, and this publication will become its roadmap 😉

The team radically changed the concept of the game and turned all the tasks on its head, but in our industry work creative individuals, they are artists and they see it. So let’s go!

About the task “Describe at least five of the most significant changes in the international regulatory framework (both at the EU and in the whole world) that are supposed to occur in the next three years and will significantly affect the entire telecom market” the team worked like this:

  • All international regulatory bodies that are located in the European Union will move to Ukraine. And the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) will open his main office here
  • In this regard, Ukraine is becoming the center for the development and implementation of a progressive legal framework for the regulation of the Digital-industry of both the EU countries and the whole world, and therefore we will wait the flow of specialists from other countries for borrowing Ukrainian experience
  • The next step is the migration of such content giants as PornHub and Online Casino to Ukraine. This will give us new financial opportunities, additional investments for the further development of the digital industry, and also fill our budget with revenues from the export of traffic from the territory of Ukraine to the world.
  • Further, the creation of offshore zones for video pirates, which will be controlled by our state (here the well-known principle “if the mafia cannot be defeated, then it must be headed” is involved)
  • Well, as a bonus and to maintain the tonuse: in every international company registered in our country, one of the co-founders must necessarily be a citizen of Ukraine.

At that, the phantasmagoria about the enslavement of the international legislative arena is over, we are moving on to more mundane things, or rather, to an internal regulatory policy.

The team had another task – to name at least three of the most significant laws of Ukraine, which will be adopted within three years and which will entail changes for participants of the telecommunication services market until 2025. According to the team it`s:

  • The law on the creation of a specialized ministry, which will consist exclusively of industry professionals
  • Regulations on cybersecurity and critical information infrastructure (these regulatory and legal acts should not infringe upon the rights of business and residents of Ukraine)

Pass laws on lobbying and self-regulation. According to the team, this is the foundation for the further development of the industry. As a proof, a specific example was given: Ukraine has been building 3G and 4G communications for so long, because this issue is highly regulated, and for activities related to broadband access, there is no such crazy level of regulation, so the territory of Ukraine has fairly good coverage by fixed wired communication.

And finally, the players had to name at least three decisions of the executive authorities and / or regulator (s) in Ukraine that will occur within the next three years and which will affect the telecommunications providers before 2025. The proposal of the team looked like this – creating a legal springboard for:

  • E-state implementation
  • Regulation of digital medicine
  • Implementing Digital Education
  • IoT regulation
  • Creating a single blockchain.

These were the results of the game of the “Tram number 5” team. As Alexander Fediyenko said, the game is a game, but if you wish, any fantasy can come true, everything is in our hands!

And by tradition, we sincerely thank our players! Creating or changing the regulatory framework is an untapped field in which there is work for everyone, so we will meet with Tram #5 more than once;)


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Since 2016 she has been working as Deputy Director of TelPU for Public Relations. The total experience of event- and PR-manager in telecommunications is more than 7 years.