Home Telecommunication By the End of 2016, Digital TV Covers 88% of Uzbekistan

By the End of 2016, Digital TV Covers 88% of Uzbekistan

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By the end of 2016, the territory of Uzbekistan will be covered by digital broadcasting at 88%, as Review.UZ informs.
The digital TV development works are conducted in Uzbekistan, in accordance with the Decree of the President № PP 17-41 “On the National Program on Technical and Technological Transition to Digital Broadcasting in the Republic of Uzbekistan”.
The press office of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications Development reports that digital broadcasting actually covers 79.5% of the territory of Uzbekistan. Less than a month before the end of December of present year, there should be installed  10 digital transmitters more, so that the coverage rate would reach 88%.
As from 1 December of this year, the NTRC’s TV channels were simultaneously followed by the broadcasts of channels “Uzreport TV” and “Milliy TV” by means of digital transmitters DVB-T2, which were installed at a number of TV and radio stations in Uzbekistan.
In addition, the number of TV shows in the Ferghana Valley increased, and they were completed by a paid TV package.
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