Home Business Vodafone Ukraine Invested over UAH 70 billion in the Ukrainian Economy

Vodafone Ukraine Invested over UAH 70 billion in the Ukrainian Economy

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Last year, the Vodafone Ukraine invested UAH 2.9 billion in telecom infrastructure. The company’s total investment during the active network building in 2015-2016 reached a market record of UAH 10 billion.

The company completely modernized its radio equipment, not only replacing the existing 2G antennas with equipment supporting 3G and 4G, but also installed additional base stations to provide reliable 3G coverage. In addition, it also modernized equally important network items, including the network core, switch hardware, transport network, indoor solutions. This allowed providing sufficient capacity and network throughput rate, so that its customers would be able to use large volumes of mobile Internet at a persistently high speed.

The comprehensive changes and thorough network planning resulted in customers’ increasing Internet traffic consumption by 210% in 2016. At that, the company significantly improved key network performance, such as the reliability of voice and Internet connection, and those figures exceeded not only the mid-market ones, but also the Vodafone’s international standards.

The company is one of the largest investors in Ukraine, since the operator has invested about UAH 38 billion in infrastructure development just over 24 years. The Vodafone Ukraine is also one of the largest taxpayers to the budget of Ukraine. UAH 33 billion, including taxes and radio frequency fees, has been transferred by the company to the state budget for its entire operation period.

At the same time, the Vodafone Ukraine has invested UAH 440 million in the development of social aspects, including voluntary charitable assistance, as well as funds and services within the framework of implementing large socially important infrastructure projects. Social investment was aimed at improving health care under the “Mobile Health” project, supporting talented students under the “Professionals of the Future” program, promoting Ukrainian science under the “Tech Today Hub” project, implementing environmental initiatives, favoring sport and healthy lifestyle, as well as providing free assistance to children, who suffer from serious diseases and whose families can not afford required expensive treatment, under the “Kind act as a Gift” project.

“In 2017, we are planning to invest a good deal more in the network development, compared with last year’s investment. We hope that our contribution to the development of the country’s technologies and infrastructure, as well as our initiatives to develop national science and social aspects, will allow for improving country’s competitiveness and will promote its sustainable economic development”, as pointed out by Olga Ustinova, CEO at Vodafone Ukraine.

The Vodafone is one of the world’s largest telecom companies, providing a wide range of services, including mobile and voice communications, data transmission, messaging, fixed Internet and cable TV. The operator works in 26 countries, has partner agreements with operators in 49 countries and provides fixed broadband Internet services in 17 markets. As of 31 December 2016, the Vodafone provides services to 470 million mobile subscribers and 14.3 million fixed Internet users.

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