Home Telecommunication Azerbaijan Entirely Transits to the Digital Broadcasting

Azerbaijan Entirely Transits to the Digital Broadcasting

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The final analog TV stations of Azerbaijan will be turned off today, as AZE.AZ reports.

As it is known, there remained 14 districts out of existing 330 in the country with active analog broadcasting. Today, their operation will be completely suspended, as reported by Professor Isa Mamedov, Head of the Engineering Department of the National TV and Radio Broadcasting Council.

“Fore the time being, there are 145 digital TV stations, but their number will reach 190 in the future. In Baku, there were set up 18 TV stations and in the Absheron another 20 stations. Those TV stations were imported mainly from Italy. In addition, there were also bought TV stations from Russia, Turkey, the Baltic states, Germany and Japan”, as the professor informed.

Today, December 20, the analog TV will be cut off in Jalilabad, Astara, Shirvan, Imishli, Fizuli, Beylagan, Hajigabul, Masally, Salyan, Lerik, Yardimly, Neftchala, Lankaran and Bilasuvar.

Let us recall that initial analog cut-offs in Azerbaijan started on December 1 this year.


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