Home Business The first deal on purchasing Russian series by Netflix online movie theatre

The first deal on purchasing Russian series by Netflix online movie theatre

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“Major” TV series produced by Sreda company has become the first Russian product purchased by Netflix. This information was reported by RBK.

Official statement on sales of the rights to show the film was made by Alexander Tsekalo, the general producer of the company. The series should appear on American resources in the autumn of this year under the name «Silver Spoon».

Purchase of “Major” was performed on “worldwide – ready made – VOD” system that means broadcasting the finished video product accompanied by subtitles.

According to Alexander Tsekalo, currently his film company is negotiating with Netflix on the sale of rights to “Method”, “Fartsa” and “Locusts” TV series that were successfully launched on the First Channel from 2013 to 2015.

The general producer  of Sreda has not disclosed the terms of transaction.

“I can only say that the series was sold at the current international market price. Such a transaction is the reason to be proud of the results of our work and try to produce quality TV series”- Tsekalo said.

The producer also noted that currently there are held negotiations with one of the production studios on the sale the rights to “Major” series for the American version. Perhaps, the same is waiting for the second part of the series, its premiere is scheduled for December 25, 2016.

As a reminder, in September of this year, Netflix also acquired the rights to Ukrainian TV series “The servant of the people” produced by “Kvartal 95” studio. Initially, the series will be available on the classical scheme, in the original language with subtitles, but then Netflix will make a full dubbing of the Ukrainian product.

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